
Inside the New Zealand Solar Schools programme

Inside the New Zealand Solar Schools programme

Every school could have a solar array on the roof. Schools are a long term investment in our communities, and solar on the roof of a school enhances this long term investment with impressive guarantees. A solar array produces energy during daylight hours, which is when electricity is needed most in schools. During daylights hours students are in school, which means that electricity is used to assist in educational activities.
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Why choose for a Local Energy Market?

Why choose for a Local Energy Market?

New Zealand is a nation that finds itself at the forefront of renewable energy. Approximately 85% of electricity used in New Zealand comes from renewable sources, such as; hydro, solar and wind. The electricity that you purchase from the national grid is thus most likely already generated from a renewable energy source. This begs the question: why not generate it within your community?
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House blog banner Power Technology

Is your home suitable for Solar Energy?

There are several criteria which are crucial in assessing the suitability of your home for a solar power system. In today’s blog article, we will explain you the main factors and why they are important.   LOCATION OF YOUR HOUSE...

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New Zealand's first 8/10 home star rated house

New Zealand's first 8/10 home star rated house

The chance to get involved in establishing New Zealand’s first 8/10 Home Star rated house allowed our residential solar power experts to show off their capability. Located in Beachlands, Auckland, the ‘Ideal House’ was developed with the aim of achieving...

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60kW Off-Grid power installation on Motutapu Island

60kW Off-Grid power installation on Motutapu Island

After a major study of energy use on Motutapu Island, the Department of Conservation sought to harness the power of solar energy to reduce reliance on generators. ENERGY REQUIREMENTS Facilities on the island that directly draw electricity from the island...

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New Zealand Defence Force first ever Off-Grid solution

New Zealand Defence Force first ever Off-Grid solution

For this "Mission critical" application Power Technology implemented a 10kWp, ground mounted solar array, 18kW of battery inverters, 25kWhr lithium battery and twin Cummins diesel generators. This super high reliability solar power and lithium battery system produces and stores enough...

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